Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rule #3, Post 3--Lessons #5&6 Make social apps useful and mobile

Are you a user of Fourthsquare? If yes, tell us what you think? Does it work for you? If not, what are the limitations of 'going mobile', and are there still ways to spark conversation in this field? Are there other apps you can't live without?


  1. Foursquare must "solve" a problem I don't have.

    I can see it being useful for location-based advertising, especially to the degree that a mobile device's GPS feeds into it.

    I do like Foursquare from a brand-advocacy standpoint (with the Mayor awards and similar). People like to wear publicly that type of thing as a "badge."

    I don't see "conversation" in this venue, but I'm not an active user ... interested to hear from those who are.

  2. Facebook itself is an ego demanding lifestyle...Foursquare just takes it a step further. Oh look where I am, right here at Six Flags... and where are you? The couch? Look at me taking my kids out for healthy activities and meals...where are you? McDonalds???

    So with that said, yes it feeds my egotistical lifestyle to the hilt...as all other Foursquare users do (don’t let anyone tell you differently, they are delusional and should be taken lightly like patients at Belleview).

    Now watch me log into UCCS on Thursday night...why? Probably to make someone else feel bad about not going to school (subliminal) while harping on my own motivations in life (conscience).

    So yes, it works for me as a one way conduit to telling everyone how great I am while ignoring where everyone else is. Now excuse me while I continue my work in becoming Mayor of Wholefoods as I check in there walking right by it on the way to the BK Lounge.

  3. But isn't communicating a very cathartic process as well. Also it can be a very open and selfless thing as well. I too think that people overdo it with the constant updates, but also being able to share what you are doing or thinking can be a way of feeling more connected and or connecting.

    My mom tells me that she reads my Facebook updates, and that she enjoys knowing how I am doing and gets a satisfaction in getting a better grasp of what is happening in my day to day... She usually also then tells me to call her more, but that is besides the point. lol
